Organized by
Department of Population Studies and Social Work
SRI VENKATESWARA UNIVERSITY, Tirupati- 517502, Andhra Pradesh
Contact: 0877 - 2289316 (O), 091770 77756 (M)
Pre ConferenceWorkshop : 8-10, February,2011
Conference: 11-13, February 2011
Announcement and Call for Abstract
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Important Dates
September15, 2010:Last date for receiving Abstract/s----
Over .
October 30, 2010: Intemation of acceptance of abstracts for ORAL or POSTER PRESENTATION--|| ORAL PRESENTATION LIST ||POSTER PRESENTATION LIST
November 15, 2010: Travel Grant intimation.
December 15, 2010: Last Date for Pre-Conference and Conference Registration fee without late fee.
January 5, 2011: Last Date for Receiving the Full-length Paper.
No spot RegistrationThe EPILOGUE
The Indian Association of Social Sciences and Health (IASSH)is a registered society. The major objectives of IASSH are to bring together scientists, research scholars, practitioners, and policy makers from various disciplines in one forum to explore and work in the areas of social and cultural dimensions of illness, health and health care in the country, to strengthen networking with similar organizations in India and abroad, linking social scientists, health scientists, health activists and policy makers and to initiate measures to evolve an equitable health care system in the country through appropriate and affordable health sector reforms. VISIT:IASSH webstie
The Objectives
- Knowledge sharing of research results and experience relating to social aspects of Health ,Environment and Sustainable Development
- Identifying the issues and assessing the current status of Health and Sustainable Development
- Evolving suitable methods for measuring the Interrelation between Environment and Health leading to sustainable development of the society
- Dissemination of new theories and approaches to address emerging Health and Environment stratagies leading to Human Development
Symposia Themes
- S1. Health Transition and Sustainable Development
- S2. Environmental Determinants of Health
- S3. Linkages between Health, Environment and Sustainable Development
- S4. Policies and Programmes to Mitigate and to promote Sustainable Development
Topics of Technical Sessions:
- T1. Health Transition and Human Development
- T2. Environment, Nutrition and Health
- T3. Climate Change and its impact on Population and Health
- T4. Poverty and Pollution Interrelationships
- T5. Impact of de-forestation on health and nutrition
- T6. Water and Sanitation and its impact on Health
- T7. Biodiversity and its impact on Health and Longevity
- T8. Urban Ecology and Environment
- T9. Occupational and Environmental Health
- T10. Natural Disasters and their impact on health
- T11. Social Transformation and Resilience to Environmental Changes
- T12. Interdisciplinary Research Challenges in EHD
- T13. Measurement Issues- Poverty, Pollution, Climate Change, PQLI, EIA etc.
- T14. Vulnerability and Equity in Environment and Health
Topics to be covered in the Pre-conference Workshop:
Steps in the Research Process, Selection and Defining of Research Problem, Formulation of Hypotheses, Construction of Interview Schedule and Questionnaire, Selection of Suitable Topics for the Preparation of Interview Schedule and Questionnaire, Collection of Data with Interview Schedule and with Questionnaire, Discussion of Data Collected, Steps on Editing and Coding of Data, Data Entry / Use of Computers in Data Analysis, Relationship between Objectives and Hypothesis, Tabulations and Tests of Significance and Steps in Report Writing .Call for Abstracts:
Abstract of papers on topics relevant to the Symposia / Technical themes are invited from those who want to present papers at the conference. The abstracts should be within 300 words (maximum half A-4 size page) and the full length of the paper should be not exceeding 5000 words (not more than 15 A-4 size pages) and follow the format given below:Title of Abstract followed by Name and Address of the author(s) on top centre and the abstract should include a brief introduction, objective, method and materials, findings or conclusions, without any sub headings. The abstract may be prepared in Microsoft Word Times New Roman 12 pt font with single line spacing. Researchers are allowed to submit no more than two abstracts. They should underline the name of the presenter and indicate the name of the Technical Session.
In the present conference apart from Oral Presentations and Poster Presentations are introduced. Researchers should indicate in the abstract letter their choice of presentation of the abstract as:
- 1. For Oral Presentation
- or 2.For Poster Presentation
- or 3. Either Oral or Poster Presentation.
However, the final decision of allocation papers to the concerned rests with the Review committee. There will be two best research paper awards to the young scholars less than 30 years of age, should be single author research paper. Interested young scholars should submit abstract of paper and mention "For Young Scientist Research paper award" on or before September 15, 2010 and full paper by January 5, 2011. Apart from the Young Scientist Research paper award, in the present conference there will be two “best poster award” for the poster presentations.
Submission of Abstracts:
Abstract should be submitted through e-mail attachment : iasshconf@hotmail.com .
Registration Fees:
Note: 1. Registration closes by 31 January 2011.No Spot Registration
Registration Fee:(Non-Refundable Registration Fee) Type of Participants Before December 15, 2010 After December 15, 2010 1. Conference Registration Fee: (Per person) : : Member & Accompanying Person (Co-author and Family Members) Rs.800 Rs.1000 Non Members Rs.1000 Rs.1200 2. Pre-Conference Workshop Registration fee: : : Members from outside Tirupati (with accommodation) Rs. 500 : Members within Tirupati (Local) Rs.250 : Overseas Participants - - From Developing Countries $100 $125 Accompanying Person $75 $80 From Developed Countries $200 $250 Accompanying person $150 $150
2. For local delegates’ accommodation will not be provided.
3. Accompanying person will not receive conference material.
4. Preference will be given to M .Phil / Ph. D scholars for pre-conference registration
Registration fee Payment:
Filled Registration form along with Non Refundable fee by DD drawn in favour of Secretary, IASSH payable at Coimbatore to the following address:
Prof. N. Audinarayana, Treasurer, IASSH, Professor and Head, Dept. of Sociology and Population Studies, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore – 641 046, Tamil Nadu,audinarayana.bu@gmail.com
Bank Details:
Name: Secretary, Indian Association for Social Sciences and Health (IASSH)
Account Type & No.: S/B Account No: 822610110004300
Bank and Branch: Bank of India, Bharathiar University Branch, Coimbatore-641 046
IFSC Code: BKID0008226
For International Wire Transfer - SWIFT: BKIDINBBCOM
Registration fee covers:
Registration fee covers: Food, accommodation in suitable Guest Houses/Hostels, and Conference materials. Accompanying person will not receive conference material. Those who want more comfortable accommodation can stay in nearby hotels on payment basis for which the Local Organizing Committee will extend their co-operation. For Local delegates accommodation will not be provided as the priority is given to out station delegates. Payment of Non-Refundable Registration Fee closes by January 31, 2011.Download:Registration Form
Travel Grant:
Authors of the accepted abstracts for ORAL or POSTER PRESENTATION or delegates attending PRE- CONFERENCE WORKSHOP will be provided Second Class Sleeper or III tier AC rail fare. Decision of award of travel grant rests with the review committee on the basis of available funds. Please explore the possibility of obtaining TA/DA from your parent organizations, which will facilitate more participation of young scholars. The recipient of travel grant must be a member of IASSH.
Important Dates
September15, 2010:Last date for receiving Abstract/s.
October 30, 2010: Intemation of acceptance of abstracts for ORAL or POSTER PRESENTATION .
November 15, 2010: Travel Grant intimation.
December 15, 2010: Last Date for Pre-Conference and Conference Registration fee without late fee.
January 5, 2011: Last Date for Receiving the Full-length Paper.
No spot RegistrationWeb site:http://www.iassh.org http://iassh.blogspot.com e-mail: iasshconf@hotmail.com
Organizing Committee:
Chief Patron:
Prof. N. Prabhakara Rao, Vice Chancellor,Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, A. P.
Prof. Ratnayya, Rector, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, A. P
Prof. K. Pratap Reddy, Regsitrar, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, A. P.
Prof. Narasimhulu, Principal, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, A. P.
Organising Secretray
Dr. V. Ravindra Kumar,
Professor & Head,
Department of Population Studies & Social work,
S. V. University, Tirupati - 517502, Andhra Pradesh,
0877 2289316 (O), 091770 77756 (M),
Organizing Committee:
e-mail:iasshconf@hotmail.com Download:Registration Form
- Dr. M. Ubaidullah, Professor, Department of Population Studies & Social Work, S. V. University, Tirupati - 517502, 0877 2240383 (O), 09441962904 (M), ubaidullahm@rediffmail.com
- Dr. P. Vinayaga Murthy, Associate Professor, Department of Population Studies, S. V. University, Tirupati - 517502 0877 2289316 (O), 09441150938 (M), pvmurthy28@yahoo.com
- Dr. M. Hari, Associate Professor, Department of Population Studies, S. V. University, Tirupati - 517502
- Dr. M. S .R .Murthy Retired Professor, Dept. Population Studies & Social Work, SVU 15-57/4, Padmavati Nagar, Tirupati-517502, A. P. 09393620519 (M) , msrmurthy2001@gmail.com
- Dr. P. Ramachandran Retired Professor, Dept. Population Studies & Social Work, SVU, 6-1-250, Varadaraia Nagar, Tirupati - 517502, A. P. 09441498124 (M), paidaprr@rediffmail.com
- Dr. K. E. Vaidyanathan President, IASSH, vaidyake@hotmail.com
- Dr. C. P. Prakasam Vice President, IASSH iassh2004@gmail.com
- Dr. U. V. Somayajulu Secretary, IASSH, iassh2004@gmail.com
- Dr. N. Audinarayana Treasurer, IASSH, audinarayana.bu@gmail.com